Our Team
Meet our team that keeps everything running behind the scenes
Marketing & Branding
Getting our message to you guys

Ella LyMarketing & Branding Co-Lead

Aidan FroggattMarketing & Branding Co-Lead

Matthew FerreiraMarketing & Branding Co-Lead
Keeping everyone engaged

Hussain MuhammedCommunity Co-Lead

Harmanpreet Singh SagarCommunity Co-Lead

Samridhi AnandCommunity Co-Lead
Making all of our biggest events a reality

Bhravi PrajapatiConferences Co-Lead

Leon YaoConferences Co-Lead

Tushar AggarwalConferences Co-Lead

Varunan VarathanConferences Co-Lead
Open Source
Developing new projects to benefit the community

Ryan ZhangOpen Source Co-Lead

Zayn AbedOpen Source Co-Lead

Saad SalmanOpen Source Co-Lead

Kristian DianaOpen Source Co-Lead
Keeping everyone glued together

Zareen KabirPresident

Avani SharmaVice President

Colin ChambachanVice President